Your memories, well-crafted.

Easily combine photos and videos to create beautiful, simple memorial pages. Collaborate, add playlists and share private or public pages crafted with care.

    Share your photos and videos your way

    You can choose to share these photos and videos with others, or you can keep them private and only share them only with friends and family.

    It also means that when you choose a private setting for your photos and videos they won’t be crawled by search engines or scraped by AI bots.


    Mementum allows you to collaborate with others to gather photos and videos, provide secure access with friends and family and have them upload directly to the app for your review.

    This means that you can work together to gather all the memories of your loved ones in one place, while still maintaining control of the Mementum story.

    Optimize and Enhance

    The Mementum Media Engine™ automatically converts and optimizes your photos and videos so your stories play seamlessly on all devices and browsers.

    You can also enhance your photos bring older photos back to life, or improve the quality of your photos, making them look brighter, sharper, and more vibrant.

    Add Words and a Playlist

    Photos and videos may not Use the Spotify player to include your spotify playlist with your story.

    Edit, Reorder, Randomize

    Many of the options out there that combine photos and videos into a single stream are actually canned videos you need to export. That make is difficult to make changes.

    Mementum is a dynamic web solution so you can easily add, edit, organize and randomize content without having to re-export every time you make a change.

    Why we’re building Mementum

    This looks pretty similar to what’s already out there, why bother? Well, we thought so too, until we needed to create a memorial page for a friend. We simply couldn’t find anything that worked the way we wanted it to, or even worked in all browsers and devices.

    There were no options that allowed us to create large collections, transition smoothly between photos and videos or even randomize the playback.

    After covering the basics we added magic conversion and enhancement, collaboration tools and private sharing options to protect your memories.

    Our goal was to build Mementum with the care that all of our memories deserve.

    Request Access

    If you’d like to try Mementum let us know and we’ll send you an invitation.

    Request Access

    If you’d like to try Mementum let us know and we’ll send you an invitation.